Mission Call

Mission Call

Dropping CJ off at the MTC!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 2, 2010

This week it rained every single day!! It was nice becasue it made the air cooler but we got drenched a few times! It created many memorable moments for us... we dreaded through a giant puddle, looked like wet dogs as we arrived to our appt with our soon to be converts, and took many detours. The mission is always full of good times... i love it. One night i actually was so cold that i wore a long sleeve shirt to bed! i know... who would have thot i would be cold in the Philippines! Showers are not to fun with the fact that its only cold water that comes out of the faucet and you are already cold from rain but its all good... its making me a stronger person.
This week we had interviews and it was great to talk with President and work all my struggles out. He always knows how to help. He really loves us like his own kids! He gave me a big hug which comforted me and made everything seem ok. His council was right on and im ready to take action and be better. He gave us all an amazing training on obedience. Satan doesnt tempt us deep in unrighteousness but right on the line and then slowly pulls us deeper and deeper into the dark. But we can step forward, not side ways, into righteousness... with evil out of sight... and go so deep in righteousness that it would be too hard and too far to go to the evil side because it would be too hard to undue all the good we did! I know that our Heavenly Father will help us to make righteous choices as we look towards Him and trust Him. Our Heavenly Father and Savior love us so much and want to help but they cant force it... we have to allow it. I have learned so much about Their love for all people on earth since ive been on my mission. They know us personally... better than anyone on earth... so we should trust Them more than man. Scripture of the week 2 Nephi 4:34
Our baptism on Friday was perfect! They all showed up on time and glowing! There were about 30 people that attended. Even one of our other investigators, Edwin, who should be baptized next month if we can get his marriage papers processed came. He wanted to see what a baptism was like before his own :) Sunday was great too when they all received the Holy Ghost! I felt the Spirit extra strong. Little Jerson (11 yrs old) has been so much brighter and talkative since his baptism and confirmation. He cracks me up... i just love these people!! Sister Fe Laurente bore her testimony... it wasnt really a normal testimony since it was her first and she didnt understand totally how it worked but it gave the ward a good laugh. You just have to know Fe to understand. I love her! Especially because she doesnt get offended and appreciates all the things we teach and correct her on becasue she sees how it is making her life better. What an amazing thing the gospel of Jesus Christ is! It truly changes lives! So share it!!
We also had a CSP on sat. We helped build a house for a recent convert! It was hot and us sisters mainly just straighten nails, cooked and took pics but it was fun to bond with everyone and service truly is the greatest thing you can do! All the members really had a great time. Even our recent converts, Sister and Brother Laurente came and helped. They have a great new circle of friends now!
I cant imagine me not having gone on a mission. This is the greatest work ive ever been a part of! I wish i could fully explain but im not sure how... words dont exsist.
I love you all and thank you for all of your prayers!!
Gugma Gud
Sister Carissa Jones

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